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Restorative Workshop: Letting Go (2hrs)

Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness - Nhat Hunh

This Autumn we take a more introspective approach which will include some Yin yoga stretching to encourage free flowing movement of energy. This will lead into the more restful Restorative poses.

Our Intention will be to let go of what no longer serves us - the things which block our vital energy stores. We conclude with a soothing Yoga Nidra, themed to this idea.

Expect some Yin stretching (always with optional props), followed by the more traditional Restorative postures, using props to create ease, and comfort.

No previous experience is required. Suitable for Beginners.

Tickets $55*

*The Works Direct Debit Members and 6 & 12 Month Unlimited Members receive 20% off. Email us for your discount code.

What our customers are saying..

Something quite magical happened after the 2 hour workshop last Saturday. I had been having a few challenges in my usually peaceful life and was ruminating way more than usual. I felt that the workshop somehow completely reset my central nervous system. I was quite serene after. Really peaceful. And the recurring thoughts seemed to have a taken on a much less compelling perspective. I almost wondered what I had been concerned about. And now that I am thinking about it, the serenity has stayed with me. It just cleared my concerns.

I’ll certainly be attending the next one and some of the friends I’ve shared these effects with want to come too!
— Lisa M
I attended the restorative yoga class with Vanessa last Saturday, and it was incredible.

I’ve never done restorative yoga so wasn’t sure what to expect. Vanessa was terrific. I felt floaty throughout a lot of the class - the nice lady next to me assured me that I was snoring, so apparently I was very relaxed.

I’m definitely keen to book in for the winter one.
— Sarah H
One of the most valuable lessons I took away was learning to welcome rest and allow myself to simply stop. This practice felt liberating, and I was able to carry that sense of peace into my evening, resulting in one of the most restful nights of sleep I’ve had in a long time.
Thank you for creating such a calming, restorative environment, Vanessa! I look forward to future workshops and deepening this practice.
— Lisa H
March 16

Ashtanga Vinyasa Masterclass - The full primary series (2hrs)

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Advanced Vinyasa Masterclass (2hrs)